Friday, 10 September 2010

Starcraft 2

Ok! I'm starting to get the hang of it now.

Protoss is definately easier and more fun than Terran. Right now I push with a normal build and tend to block off with a few zealots outside for defense, then I go straight for some void rays and keep myself up a robotics bay to make some immortals incase I'm vs siege tanks with marines guarding or a mass of roaches.

Works well so far at least so I'll keep doing the same. Anyone got a better idea though let me know!


  1. Showing daily support to my bro !

    Great game !

  2. I'm crap at starcraft :P keep trying! :D

  3. sweet i still need to get it tho

  4. Haha always love me some Starcraft

  5. cool blog, stopping by to show my support!

  6. Resource harass is always worth a try too!

  7. I like to send a probe and cap enemy vespine, slows them down and while they're capped you can see their base :D
