Tuesday 21 September 2010

Go Look at Jupiter!

Ok so folks, Jupiter is really close right now. It won't be this close for another 10 years. Head outside at about midnight each night for the next week or so and its going to be visible in the night sky. 

Jupiter's Great Red Spot. Image Credit: NASA.
Also, I should really invest in a telescope would be awesome to actually see this stuff properly.

Friday 17 September 2010


I've taken adsense off of my blog for a short period of time if you were wondering why ads aren't displayed this is why. According to google some of my traffic sources was from unwanted or misleading advertising. I contest this as I've never said this website is anything other than a blog about what it is but to play safe I have removed ads until I get a response from google confirming the mistake.

I believe the issue has arisen from a website known as fwebtraffic as to google this probably appears like a paid-to-click programme which it is not, however I would suggest not using this site for the time being if you too receive a small income from adsense.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Scale of the Universe

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Rosette Star Formation Region

Hey folks sorry I've not posted in a while, have been busy and whatnot. Also got an email from adsense which I'm trying to understand and find out what I've actually done wrong and how to clarify it so I'm trying to keep this site a little on the down low until I know it won't get taken down which I don't want.

Anyway, hopefully this picture will make you forgive me. Its of the Rosette star formation system. It's 5000 light years away and consists of about 160 low mass to large stars.


Rosette star formattion system.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Structured Settlements?

Ok so since nobody will know basically I'm starting university soon so I'm renting a house with my student loan along with 6 others but I'm looking for something to invest in since I get paid in big lump sums. Been searching around thinking of doing something with property since it has such a high return, came across things called structured settlements...

I tried wikipedia on the structured settlements page to understand it but it sounds as though its basically a payoff for when you sue someone for a personal injury claim? Does anyone know what they are though? I don't think it has anything to do with housing but still I'd like to know what it means if anybody knows or can explain very simply. Thank you.

Robots Investment

A partnership among 20 European states, the European Union and a number of private enterprises has launched a three-year, 3.87-million-euro project to make robots capable of serving as adaptable, interactive, and above all safe assistants for elderly people. The research project, known as ALIAS, places special emphasis on maintaining social networks, warding off feelings of loneliness and isolation, and increasing activities that may protect and enhance cognitive capabilities. ALIAS is a project associated with the Cluster of Excellence CoTeSys (Cognition for Technical Systems) and will widen the competencies of the Technische Universitaet Muenchen (TUM) in the area of social robotics.
If you can't be bothered to read that people are basically investing a tonne of money into robots for the elderly so by the time you and I are old we don't have to do anything hopefully! Good old intel, a load of money and investment and some silicon can do wonders.

Monday 13 September 2010

More Space Pictures

NGC 300
This picture of the spectacular southern spiral galaxy NGC 300 was taken using the Wide Field Imager (WFI) at ESO's La Silla Observatory in Chile. It was assembled from many individual images through a large set of different filters over many observing nights, spanning several years. The main purpose of this extensive observational campaign was to get an unusually thorough census of the stars in the galaxy, counting both the number and varieties of stars and marking regions, or even individual stars, that warrant deeper and more focused investigation. But such a rich data collection will also have many other uses for years to come. The images were mostly taken through filters that transmit red, green or blue light. These were supplemented by images through special filters that allow through only the light from ionized hydrogen or oxygen gas and highlight the glowing clouds in the galaxy's spiral arms. The total exposure time amounted to around 50 hours. Credit: ESO